Members Only Access
Access to the members only section of TTARA's website, including analyses of key fiscal legislation, tax updates, handouts from meetings and webcasts, and other critical documents.

Quarterly live webcasts (monthly, when the legislature is in session) focusing on breaking tax developments (recordings of the webcasts are also available on the website)

Research Reports and Briefs
TTARA produces numerous substantive publications annually. The research reports may be one-page summaries of tax and fiscal issues or a lengthy and detailed analysis of school finance. The reports and briefs are all informative and designed to assist decision-makers regarding tax and fiscal policies.

Continuing Education for Our Events
TTARA seeks and receives continuing education approval from the licensing agencies for lawyers, property tax professionals, and accountants for its webcasts, legislative updates, programs, and annual meeting. These hours provide a real benefit to TTARA members, not only in substance but also in monetary terms.

Golf Tournaments
As a member, you can enjoy an outstanding day of golf and networking with industry leaders and friends. Come and exercise your golf clubs and win some great prizes.

Email Updates
Daily morning news clips with direct links to the day's top media stories on fiscal issues. As needed "Updates from the Tax Front," that focus on breaking tax, budget, and school finance developments in the legislative, executive, and judicial arena.

Meetings in Austin
As a member, you have access to our TTARA meetings, as well as our TTARA Annual Meeting and Golf Tournament. At our meetings, we review key legislative proposals when lawmakers are in session; legislation and recent changes to sales, franchise, and other state taxes; and legislation and recent changes to property tax and school finance law. The meetings are extremely helpful for consultants, tax practitioners and those involved in governmental affairs.

Legislative Previews and Spring Luncheons
Before every legislative session, TTARA conducts legislative previews. During the Spring, we host Luncheons in Dallas and Houston that help inform members about fiscal issues that will affect them and the companies they serve. This is a vital part of the work we do at TTARA.

Our Services
The services TTARA provides are inexpensive compared to the much larger cost of inappropriate or uninformed governmental actions. Whether a prospective member is interested in merely receiving the information we provide in our newsletters, keeping up with activities as they occur through our electronic services, or taking part face-to-face in our interest groups, there is a place for them in TTARA. We all know that it is cheaper to prevent problems from developing than it is to fix them after the fact. TTARA provides a unique resource to prevent problems. We hope you will choose to work with us to affect the major fiscal issues ahead.
Our Staff
TTARA’s staff is regarded as the very best source for business taxpayers who need to follow Texas developments. The experience of our staff is unmatched and leading us to better understand the issues government officials are dealing with, and the way those issues affect businesses in Texas. Because we have a large and diverse membership, we are able to help find ways to prevent problems from developing before they cost our members large sums of money.

Our Members
TTARA is a membership organization made up of businesses, associations and individuals from all parts of Texas and from every type of industry and size of company. TTARA provides our members with regular reporting and analysis of significant fiscal developments in newsletters, on the Internet (http://www.ttara.org), and in other publications that are both informative and easy to read. For members that want to take a more active role in understanding and shaping policies, we provide regular briefings and meetings to discuss specific issues. During legislative sessions, TTARA prepares detailed analyses of all significant tax legislation and most other legislation that affects state fiscal policy. When the Legislature is not in session, our staff continues working with our membership and government officials on the development of rules to implement legislation and on ways to improve administrative procedures.
Join us in working for fair and equitable tax and fiscal policy.
Gain access to all our bill summaries, research reports, webcasts and more.