Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is calling on the state legislature to provide more property tax relief for h...
Gov. Greg Abbott said cutting taxes is a top priority, however, state lawmakers don’t have as much...
The last year has been one of massive change for appraisal districts across the state. If Texas lawm...
TTARA President Jennifer Rabb joins the Texas Talks show to discuss the tax landscape in Texas ̵...
Lowering property taxes heads a list that includes school choice, raises for teachers, strengthening...
The state needs to continue reducing property taxes and “do all we can to ease the tax burden on b...
Recently approved changes to the Tarrant Appraisal District’s reappraisal plan could cost taxpayer...
The Texas Taxpayers and Research Association, which explores the tax and fiscal impacts of proposed ...
School property taxes provide the biggest line item on the Texas taxpayers’ bill, so it’s unders...
Texas would have to spend tens of billions of dollars to get rid of the state’s property taxes, st...
The state uses that money for schools, infrastructure, and other projects. To replace the property t...
Texas Republicans have been trying to reduce the state’s high property taxes for years, but some a...
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