Beginning September 1, there will be no pay for the Texas legislature. Gov. Greg Abbott’s unpreced...
Fresh off the defeat of two of his legislative priorities Sunday night when Democrats abandoned the ...
Across the chamber, skeptical lawmakers from both parties lined up to ask Murphy about his legislati...
Texas’ largest corporate tax incentive program is at risk of expiring after state lawmakers missed...
Chapter 313 economic development agreements attract jobs and investment to Texas, make money for the...
Chapter 313, a decades-old law designed to lure companies to Texas with property tax breaks, expires...
This edition of Texas Tax Talk takes a closer look at Chapter 313, the drivers behind potential ch...
But lawmakers disagree about how to pay for such an effort — which could cost billions of doll...
Samsung has been building semiconductors in Austin for more than 20 years. It has already benefited ...
February’s epic power failure hurt the state’s reputation and raised questions about its infrast...
A massive investment may soon be coming to Austin: Samsung Austin Semiconductor is considering build...
Education finance experts say using an attendance-based funding model exacerbates inequities —...
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