Dale Craymer, the president of the Texas Taxpayers and Research Association, has estimated that th...
With the COVID-19 pandemic putting unforeseen pressure on homeowners, it’s not the time to raise p...
Dallas-Plano-Irving stands to gain the most jobs and revenue from a statewide nondiscrimination law,...
According to the report, Texas oil and gas producers directly contributed a record $13.4 billion to ...
Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday ordered Texas state agencies, public universities and other top offici...
While a state lawmaker’s call for a freeze on property values could provide some semblance of reli...
As the drastic economic downturn driven by the coronavirus stresses state budgets, those with sizabl...
The oil price crash that has hammered the US shale industry is now threatening to put the squeeze on...
In states of emergency caused by flooding or other natural disasters, local taxing bodies are given ...
It’s the largest producer of oil in the states. Dale Craymer, the president of the Texas Taxpa...
It’s the lowest price for a barrel of crude since at least the 1980s and another sign, experts...
The U.S. federal government can print its own currency, which also happens to be the world’s reser...
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