When Major League Baseball postponed the opening of its season, teams also closed their spring train...
As oil prices slump amid the coronavirus pandemic, industry advocates are seeking to assure the publ...
“Behind all this is the economic impact of the CoronaVirus, which is still uncertain. We can’t l...
Coronavirus hit the global markets this week, sending stocks reeling and pushing economies toward po...
The state’s oil and gas industry, which by some estimates accounts for 8% to 10% of the Texas econ...
While an economic and fiscal reversal depends on many unknowns, including the severity of the epidem...
With oil prices plummeting to their lowest level in decades, Texas’ economy and budget stand the m...
“The consequences for Texas of the drop in prices over the weekend will depend on two questions: 1...
Texas cities are at odds over a proposal from the state comptroller to curtail deals that give compa...
Between the school finance bill that cut property tax rates and the property tax reform bill whi...
2019 may have been the perfect year for lawmakers to pass an ambitious and expensive school finance ...
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