It’s hard enough to tackle property taxes in Texas without confusing the issue with misinformation...
AUSTIN, Texas — State lawmakers pumped the breaks on a priority property tax reform bill Thurs...
In the years following World War II, Texas suffered years of fiscal challenges. A downturn in the oi...
A key Texas Senate panel agreed Thursday to spend $9 billion on public education and property tax re...
Giving every property owner in Texas a significant tax cut is expensive, but there are less ambitiou...
Of all the places Gov. Greg Abbott might go for policy ideas, it’s hard to imagine a less like...
Sempra Energy plans to build two production units known as trains at the site that are capable of pr...
What one hand gives, another hand might take away. At least that seems to be part of the necessarily...
State Rep. Drew Springer wants to tax doughnuts. He’s also pitching taxes on vet checkups funeral ...
“I would much prefer that we didn’t need (tax) incentives, but we don’t live in an ivory tower...
The possibility of landing a second Chevron Phillips plant in Orange County has prompted debate on w...
The Texas Taxpayers and Research Association (TTARA) issued the following statement today regarding ...
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