It’s a starting point in the Senate as lawmakers begin to craft bills aimed at cutting property ta...
How much money Texas spends from the more than $50 billion in surplus revenue and other funds sitt...
As state lawmakers prepare to craft the next biennial budget, most Texans favor using some of the st...
As is usual in any Texas legislative session, the budget takes center stage. But this session’...
Republican Commissioners Jack Cagle and Tom Ramsey boycotted Harris County Commissioners Court for...
Gov. Greg Abbott and legislative leaders have promised homeowners the largest property tax break ev...
In their preliminary state budgets released Wednesday, the Texas Senate and House earmarked $72.5 bi...
said Dale Craymer, president of Texas Taxpayers and Research Association, a tax-research organizatio...
The way that some in economic development spheres look at it, working to lure companies to come to C...
Fiscally conservative groups have called on the state legislature to enact a zero growth budget and ...
After speculating for months on how much surplus tax revenue the state will have available in the 88...
Taxes on owner-occupied property in Bexar County dropped by about $70 on average, according to data...
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