The Permian Basin: Enriching Texas
A Study of the Financial Contributions of the Permian Basin to the Texas State Treasury Through the Years 2014 to 2019
Read MoreTruth-in-Taxation: New Tax Rate Limits
For years, Texas property owners have looked to the property appraisal process to seek relief on their property tax bills while ignoring the budget and rate setting process.
Read MoreSchool District Tax Rate Compression and Tax Ratification Elections
HB 3 passed by the 86th Legislature mandated that school districts reduce maintenance and operations (M&O) tax rates in the years to come
Read MoreThe 2020-21 Texas Budget: The Miracle Continues
For a session many initially thought would be fraught with fiscal peril, lawmakers returned to Austin this past January facing a much healthier state treasury than anticipated.
Read MoreWrap-Up for the 86th Legislature: Tax and Fiscal Policy
The 86th Legislature may have disappointed those looking for drama, but it was incredibly productive.
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