What is Truth-in-Taxation?

Chapter 26 of the Texas Tax Code is dedicated to procedures that taxing units must follow to inform taxpayers about their property tax bills. Effective tax rates must be calculated, and taxes are limited to 8% annual growth for taxing units, other than school districts, without the possibility of elections. TTARA looks at the process…

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The Phony $5 Billion

Some groups and taxing units contend that $5 billion in property taxes are unassessed because of an alleged “loophole” in state law, often called “equal and uniform.” In this brief, we analyze the validity—or invalidity—of this claim and examine exactly what “equal and uniform” is.

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How Is Property Valued?

Property is appraised for ad valorem taxation according to its market value in an equal and uniform manner. Appraisal districts perform appraisals of all taxable property so that a single value is established every year.

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A Spotlight on “Dark Stores”

The valuation of all “big-box” stores nationwide has been controversial for the last few years. Courts and legislatures have struggled with how to value these properties. TTARA describes the issues and existing Texas law.

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