House & Senate Move Farther Apart on Property Taxes as Session Counts Down; Westmoreland Decision: Sales Tax Manufacturing Exemption at Issue

In this issue House & Senate Move Farther Apart on Property Taxes as Session Counts Down Westmoreland Decision: A Fresh Look at the Manufacturing Exemption Agenda Now Available for TTARA 2021 Annual Meeting – Register Today! House & Senate Move Farther Apart on Property Taxes as Session Counts Down The House Ways and Means Committee…

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Update on the 87th Third Called Special Session

In this issue Show Me the Money! Putting the School Property Tax on a Path to Zero? Spending Plan for Federal Money Revealed Reminder: Upcoming Meetings & Events Show Me the Money! One of the few issues left over from lawmakers’ two very contentious special sessions is tax relief. The state is literally awash in…

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TTARA 2021 Annual Meeting to Go Virtual

With the number of COVID cases rising, especially “break-through” cases to vaccinated individuals, TTARA has made the decision to switch from an in-person annual meeting to a virtual one. While we all will miss the social interaction of an in-person event with friends and colleagues, protecting the safety of our members and guests must take…

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Property Tax Relief Bills Pass the Texas House

Two property tax relief bills have been finally passed by the Texas House of Representatives and are on their way back to the Senate for sign-off or appointment of conference committees. The House today passed SB 8 and SB 12/SJR 2 by Bettencourt (R-Houston). SB 8 would allow an individual that purchases a home after January 1 to qualify for a…

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