Marketplace Provider Bill Introduced; Ways & Means Testimony; SB 2 Update; School Finance & Upcoming Meetings

In this Issue Marketplace Provider Bill Introduced New TTARA Summary Available for SB 2 as Reported from Senate Committee TTARA Provides Invited Testimony to Ways & Means Committee School Finance Update Reminder: TTARA Legislative & Property Tax Meetings Feb. 27 ( Starting at 10 a.m .) Registration is Now Open for Our Spring Luncheons in Dallas and…

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Senate Committee on Property Tax Approves Amended Committee Substitute for SB 2

The Senate Committee on Property Taxation met yesterday afternoon and approved an amended version of the Committee Substitute for Senate Bill 2—the omnibus property tax reform bill. Voting in favor of the amended bill were the authors—Senators Paul Bettencourt, Angela Paxton, Brandon Creighton, and Kelly Hancock. Senator Chuy Hinojosa registered a “present-not voting” vote. The amendments were…

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Important Note: Time and Schedule Change for TTARA’s Feb. 13th Legislative and Tax Meetings and Future Meetings

TTARA Legislative & State Tax Meetings Will Be Combined on Wednesday, February 13 Starting at 9:00 a.m. The legislative and state tax meetings scheduled for 9:00 and 10:00 am this WednesdayFebruary 13 will be combined and begin at 9:00 am. We are doing this in recognition of the conflict with the House Ways and Means Committee which convenes…

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Texas House and Senate File Identical Bills for Property Tax Reform

Property Tax Reform Bills Introduced This morning, Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Patrick, House Speaker Bonnen, and Committee Chairmen Senator Paul Bettencourt and Representative Dustin Burrows held a press conference to announce the filings of identical property tax reform bills— HB 2 by Burrows and SB 2 by Bettencourt. The bills include many, but not all, of the elements…

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