TTARA Session(s) Tax and School Finance Summary Now Available

TTARA Session(s) Tax and School Finance Summary Now Available TTARA today released our biennial summary of key tax and school finance legislation from the 85th Legislature (including the summer special session). The report, Wrap-Up for the 85th Legislature: Taxes and School Finance, should be in your mailboxes today or tomorrow, but an electronic copy is…

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Property Tax Reform Efforts Die at End of Special Session

August 16, 2017 In this issue: Property Tax Reform Efforts Die at End of Special Session School Finance Bills Sent to the Governor Structural Budget Gap Now Near $9 billion Proposed Comptroller Rule on Computers-hardware, software, services, and sales TTARA Webcast Update September 14 TTARA in the News (PDF version is available here) Property Tax…

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Update on Special Session Property Tax Reform Legislation; TTARA Releases Review of the Texas Budget

August 10, 2017 In this issue: Update on Special Session Property Tax Reform Legislation TTARA Releases Review of the Texas Budget, 2018-19 Update on Special Session Property Tax Reform Legislation In the next two days, the House and Senate may make substantial progress towards the special session’s goal of property tax reform. The Senate Committee…

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Chapter 313 Repeal Bill Filed

August 7, 2017 Chapter 313 Repeal Bill Filed Senator Lois Kolkhorst filed SB 116 on Friday, which would repeal Chapter 313 of the Tax Code. This chapter allows school districts to offer a temporary limitation on the taxable value of certain new investment projects and may be the single most important economic development program Texas…

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