TTARA Update From the Tax Front

January 9, 2015 In this issue: Oil, Natural Gas and the Outlook Franchise Tax Property Tax A Voucher by Any Other Name School Finance Lawsuit 2015 Meeting Dates Oil, Natural Gas and the Outlook There has been much debate at the Capitol these past weeks about the impact of the drop in oil and natural…

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TTARA Update From the Tax Front

In this issue: Property Tax Franchise Tax Sales Tax School Finance Season’s Greetings Property Tax In at least the past two legislative sessions, the levels of state and local debt have received close scrutiny. Several bills have been filed that seek to restrict the issuance of new debt or provide more transparency with respect to…

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TTARA Update From the Tax Front

December 5, 2014 In this issue: TTARA Dates of Interest State Fiscal Update Franchise Tax Property Tax Sales Tax Rules Tax Administration Transportation Funding School Finance TTARA Dates of Interest TTARA 2015 Legislative and Tax Committee Meeting Dates: The committees will meet on alternating Wednesdays (except for Feb. 26th and May 8th meetings) in Austin…

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TTARA Update From the Tax Front

TTARA Update From the Tax Front In this Issue: State Auditor Releases Review of Economic Development Program When Is Too Much Money Not Enough? School Finance Bills TTARA Webcast Update December 5th State Auditor Releases Review of Economic Development Program The State Auditor today released their long-anticipated review of selected Chapter 313 agreements. Under Chapter…

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Comptroller-Elect Hegar Announces Senior Staff Appointments

Comptroller-Elect Hegar Announces Senior Staff Appointments Comptroller-Elect Glenn Hegar this afternoon announced those who will fill the key senior positions at the Comptroller’s Office under his administration. His outstanding selections reflect the importance the new Comptroller will give to experience and professionalism, sending a very strong and positive message to the taxpayers of the state….

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