TTARA: Let’s Talk Prop 2

Let’s Talk Prop 2 In conjunction with the TTARA annual conference, we will hold a meeting of interested Property Tax Committee members to discuss the current status of activities related to Prop 2 (pollution control property exemption) and in particular to get an update on the HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) appeal status and to…

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TTARA Update From the Tax Front

In this issue: Legislature Passes Road Funding Bill and Adjourns 3rd Special Session Texas Moves Higher in Business Tax Burden 2013 TTARA Annual Meeting Legislature Passes Road Funding Bill and Adjourns 3rd Special Session Yesterday, the House and Senate passed a road funding package that could provide an additional $1 billion annually for TxDOT if…

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TTARA Update From the Tax Front

In this issue: Summer Re-Runs: Third-Called Session Comptroller Raises Revenue Estimate Comptroller Working Groups on New Tax Relief Legislation: Data Center Sales Tax Exemption Franchise Tax Research and Development Credit: Questions Concerning Effective Date Mark Your Calendars: TTARA 2013 Annual Meeting in Austin November 13th and 14th Summer Re-Runs: Third-Called Session House and Senate conferees…

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TTARA Update From the Tax Front

Transportation Funding Stuck: Making Sense of the Traffic Jam The House and Senate have disposed of all of the Governor’s items for the 2nd called special session except for “legislation relating to the funding of transportation infrastructure projects.” With the session set to expire next week, the leadership is scrambling to cobble together a package…

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