TTARA Update from the Tax Front: Sales Tax Exemption for Property Used in Manufacturing?…etc.

Court Decision: Sales Tax Exemption for Property Used in Manufacturing In Southwest Royalties Inc. vs. Combs (D-1-GN-09-004284), argued earlier this week in Travis County’s 250th District Court, Judge John Dietz ruled from the bench in favor of the plaintiff’s contention that well machinery and equipment used to extract oil and gas were eligible for the…

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TTARA Update from the Tax Front

Comptroller Draft Sales Tax Rule on Refunds: TTARA Conference Call Scheduled The Comptroller has shared a draft of a proposed sales tax rule with TTARA for comment. A copy of the draft is available here. The draft rule would make changes to sales tax rule 3.325 dealing with refunds. This rule was rewritten last July…

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TTARA Update from the Tax Front: Fifth School Finance Lawsuit Filed

Fifth School Finance Lawsuit Filed – Turning the Tables on “Efficiency” A fifth school finance lawsuit was filed today by a group called, “Texans for Real Efficiency and Equity in Education (TREE)” in addition to five parents. The group filed a “Plea in Intervention” and challenges the school finance system on two fronts: EFFICIENCY. The…

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