TTARA Update on the Budget

Budget Update The House-Senate conference committee on the state budget appears to be nearing completion on most of the budget, although major differences remain with regard to funding public and higher education. Conferees will need to complete their work next week if a budget is to be completed in the regular session. Conferees have yet…

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TTARA Update from the Tax Front

Update on the State Budget: The Wheels May Not Be Coming Off, But They Sure Aren’t Moving Much House and Senate budget negotiators have started work to craft their competing versions of the 2011-13 state budget into a consensus bill that can achieve the support of a majority of members of both chambers. Each took…

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TTARA Update from the Tax Front

Budget: Plan B Senate Passes Budget. The Senate yesterday passed their version of the state budget—House Bill 1—in a very unusual procedural move. Typically, a 2/3 vote is necessary to bring up a bill—a hurdle that would require at least 2 of the chamber’s 12 Democrats to support it. Instead, Lt. Governor Dewhurst recognized the…

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Upcoming TTARA Meetings and Events

Upcoming TTARA Meetings and Events (note: all legislative and tax committee meetings will be held in the Wells Fargo Bank Buildings 3rd Floor Auditorium, located at 400 West 15th Street, Austin, Tx� 78701) 5/11/2011 TTARA Legislative & Tax Committee Meeting 9:30am – 12 noon 5/20/2011 TTARA Webcast Update (Register Here) 10:00am -11:00am 5/25/2011 TTARA Legislative…

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