TTARA Update from the Tax Front

Budget Fireworks to Begin Tuesday: Franchise Tax Under Scrutiny Representative Jim Pitts, likely to be renamed as chair of the House Appropriations Committee, announced his intent to file the House version of the state budget on Tuesday, January 18. On Wednesday, he will offer a very public briefing and question and answer session on the…

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TTARA Update from the Tax Front

Comptroller Releases Chapter 313 Report; TTARA 313 Conference Call Scheduled for January 4th The Comptroller has released the statutorily required biennial report ( on compliance with Chapter 313, Tax Code, agreements to limit the taxable value of qualifying capital investments for school M&O tax purposes. In addition to presenting a number of tables showing aggregate…

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TTARA Update from the Tax Front: Senator Ogden Proposes a State Property Tax

Senator Ogden Proposes a State Property Tax, Lower Appraisal Caps, Voter-Authorized Fuels Tax, Curtailing Chapter 313’s School Property Tax Abatements and an End to Oil Production Incentives In a very frank speech keynoting the Comptroller’s 52nd Institute on Property Taxation this morning, Senate Finance Chairman Steve Ogden laid out an aggressive agenda to tackle the…

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